Prasatitha Padotthanasana (Wide-Legged-Forward-Bend )
Welcome to Ashtanga Yoga Collection Project!
At AYA, we are attempting to demystify any secrets and misgivings about Ashtanga Yoga.
The following article will try to provide comprehensive and neutral information from various subject-matter experts about Ashtanga Yoga Postures and Practices. We have called this 'Ashtanga Yoga Collection' Project. This project aims to become a ready-reckoner and a reference for yoga teachers and enthusiasts training in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Although it is not an open forum, we invite participation from Ajarya Teachers as also yoga teachers from all over the world. All your submissions will be reviewed by our panel before they are published online.
The Procedure:
- Start with mountain pose.
- Step or lightly hop your feet about 3-4 feet apart depending on your height.
- Keep inner feet parallel to each other.
- Bring your hands to your hips.
- With an inhale lengthen your chest to create length in your torso.
- With an exhale slowly bend forward towards the floor let your fingertips touch the ground in front of your face.
- Bend the elbows and place the palm flat and straight on the floor under your shoulders and rest crown of your head on the floor.
- Maintain this position for up to 1 minute or 5-10 deep breaths.
- To release the pose, walk your hands forwards, make your torso parallel to the floor.
- With an inhale lift your torso up.
- Place your hands back to your hips.
- Return to mountain pose.
- Stretches and strengthen the groin, hamstrings, hips and spine.
- Strengthen the feet, legs and ankles.
- Tones the abdominal muscles, shoulder and upper back.
- Improves blood circulation to brain, calms the mind.
- Improves health of internal organs such as liver and kidney.
- Strengthens and stretches the inner and back of the legs.
- Keep best foot placement according to your height.
- If facing difficulty, can keep a slight bend in your knees.
- On feeling uneasy or dizzy put a block under your head.
- If you have low blood pressure, take deep breaths and slowly exist the pose.
Contributors to Prasatitha Padotthanasana
- The Wide-Legged-Forward-Bend has been demonstrated by Ms Niharika Raval, who is a part of Yoga Archanam Project at Surendranagar, Gujarat, India, pursuing PhD in Dance.
- The Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Procedure has been provided by Sri Viral Raval, who is a part of Yoga Archanam Project at Surendranagar, Gujarat, India, pursuing PhD in Yoga
- The limitations and benefits of Hasta Padangusthasana been given by Ms Niharika Raval.
- The Physiology of Prasatitha Padotthanasana been designed and provided by Dr E Amaravathi, a Master in Physiotherapy currently pursuing PhD in Yoga and also teaching at Ajarya Yoga Academy
- The Scientific Explanation and Clinical Significance (available only to registered Ajarya teachers) of Prasatitha Padotthanasana been provided by
Dr E Amaravathi,teaching currently at Ajarya Yoga Academy
Please write to us if you wish to become a Ajarya Contributor!