Chakras and Yoga :-
The word ‘Chakra’ has been taken from the Sanskrit word which means ‘Wheel, cycle or circle’! Chakras are the energy-points situated in our body. It is the Seven chakras that are talked about the most out of the 114 that exist in the human body.The concept of chakras is found in the ancient traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The word Chakra was used first in the Vedas, which are considered as the most sacred, authenticated & scientific literature.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra :-
The common (Jeeva) shines like an emerald on the head of a snake which has the knowledge and ability of thousands of people. He manifested in a human form and offered a core book of Yoga (Patanjali Yoga Sutra).
The book describes how people can come to know about the future through Yoga. Yoga is more than 5000 years old. Patanjali is considered to be the first person who wrote a
systematic book on yoga. After this, people started learning Yoga more and more. One day in the journey of life as well in the journey of health, Yoga will be ahead in this globe.
Jeeva is a manifestation of “Atman”. If there is no ‘atma’ there is no life. We know that our journey of life starts from mother’s womb. Mother and the baby in the womb are one body. If the mother is ill or uncomfortable, the baby also feels uncomfortable. It means whatever the mother thinks, feels, hears and experiences, the baby is fully influenced by it.
The Brahman shows the personality of god which is infinite, perfect and complete. Everything is originated from the Brahman and whatever is produced from the infinite Brahman is infinite in itself. As Brahman is infinite it still remains infinite even after creating so many infinite units out of him.
Meditation is a practice which makes our mind still, calm, peaceful and helps us in self-realization which makes us to understand the true nature of soul and its connection with the supreme power the God. It teaches you to live in the present moment and not to worry about unchangeable past and undetermined future. Mediation is the healthy food for our mind, fills our mind with positive thoughts thus creates a balance in our body, mind and soul.
The human body is made up of five elements- Earth (bhumi), Water (jala), Fire (agni), Air (vayu) and Space (aakash), collectively known as panchamahabhutas, thus we are originated from nature. Upon death all these elements dissolve to respective elements of earth to balance the cycle of nature. We have gained and learned many things from nature.
According to panchamahabhutas theory, everything on this earth including humans are made up of five elements- earth, water, fire, air and space. Upon our death, our body dissolves to earth, fire, air and space.
The theory establishes a relationship between humans and the natural world. We are sustaining the combination of these elements through breathing air and consuming food and water. In our body, space is present in the form of various cavities such as nostrils, mouth, ears, throat, lungs and stomach. Air is present in the lungs, heart, stomach, intestines and joints. Fire is related to all metabolic activities, the eyes, intelligence and body temperature. Water is present in all blood, plasma, saliva and mucus and earth is represented by solid structures like muscles, skin, nails and hair.
In many religions, light is considered as a symbol of consciousness and self-illumination. In Hindu religion, the sun is worshiped in many ways. It is considered the physical and spiritual heart of the world and creator of life on the earth.
Our yoga postures are inspired from the nature and reflect various living and non-living things in many asana. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is one such yoga practice inspired from the sun and devoted to the sun. It is a dynamic sequence of 12 poses to salute the sun. It involves various body parts thus gives various health benefits. It starts and ends with the joined hands close to the heart. It is a great way to honor the sun. Its origin lies in India. It is one of the simplest yet effective yoga practices for everyone.
The mother earth is serving us for a long time. Our life is a part of it and we can’t live without it. Just as we love to go to our mother whenever we are sad, similarly, whenever we are tense or stressed due to our daily routine work or workplace stress, we love to go out into the nature to relax or breathe fresh air. The mother earth is the only planet in our solar system which supports life or where oxygen is available for all living creatures. The mother earth with her wonderful expressions, such as, trees, flowers, rains and sunshine takes away all our fatigue and stress and fills us with joy. She has different weather conditions such as spring, summer, autumn and winter, to offer to all living creatures like humans, animals and plants. The earth has fulfilled our basic requirements of food, shelter and clothes thus helped us to be more civilized.
Buddhi is the aspect of mind which is higher than the perceptive mind or it is the higher mind which shows the passage to inner wisdom. The word buddhi is originated from the root budh (to awaken). Buddhi enables us to decide, judge and make discriminations. It helps us in making right decisions. In our life we come across many ups and downs which we have to face or solve. The basic agency to resolve all these problems is buddhi.
According to the Upanishads, the human body is like a chariot, the sense organs are related to horses and the mind to the reins. The charioteer is comparable to Buddhi or knowledge. Without a charioteer the chariot is of no use, similarly, the body, mind and the senses are of little use without buddhi or knowledge.
Life is a beautiful gift or opportunity given by god to all of us and is full of surprises, expectations, joy and sorrow. We are gifted with different physical and mental traits; accordingly, we have different skills and thought process which we use in situations we come across in our day-to-day life.
Our life can be compared with a person sailing a boat in the sea in a particular direction which shows he has some purpose or goal to achieve. Without a goal to be achieved, life will be of no use and all of our skills and traits will go in vain. We also have to face difficulties or hurdles while progressing towards our goals just like as you see in the picture, the waves keep changing their intensity and the wind is also not favorable all the time which results in struggle and efforts which are a part of our life as well necessary to keep us moving.
The nature is full of beauty and keeps changing with time. It has given us days, nights, summers, winters and beautiful landscapes. Nature can color the sky red at sunset or can transform cover the familiar landscape with white sheet of snow. It can create a rainbow in the sky or fill it with lightning and paint autumn colors on trees with glow of soft sunlight.
Nature adds various elements of beauty in our lives. It has given us sun, clouds, rain, snow, forest, mountains and deserts. It affects our mood in different ways like during beautiful weather outside we feel joyous inside, when it is sunny or hot outside we usually feel gloomy, and moonlight in a beautiful and starry night makes us romantic.