  • Tuition fee
  • Study material + mandatory text
  • Access to additional Books for reference
  • Accommodation in single room with attached bathroom
  • 3 wholesome vegetarian meals daily

  • Other personal requirements
  • Return Transfer (can be arranged on request at extra cost)
  • Anything not specifically mentioned in Inclusions

Payment Options

You are required to pay a non-refundable Registration deposit of US$350 to reserve your space. The balance course fee should be paid upon Arrival before the start of the course.

We accept the initial Course Fee Registration deposit through Credit Cards, Paypal or Bank (wire) Transfers.

Option 1: Through Credit Cards OR Paypal

To pay the Registration Fee of US$350,

Number of Persons

Option 2: To pay by Bank (Wire) Transfer

Please wire your deposit into the bank account details below:

Account Name : Soulgenie Health Pathways LLP

Account Number :  604220110000408

Bank Name :        Bank of India
                              New Delhi Overseas Branch,Vijaya Building,
                              17 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110001

Sort Code:            BKID0006042

Swift Code:           BKIDINBBDOS
Yoga Teacher Training in India Testimonial

Teacher Training Reviews

  • Thank you for a great time and a great education. I really felt taken care of through the whole program, everything from first contact to accommodation to teaching, to free time (such as visiting sights, going to the doctor and getting a surprise party for my birthday) really was well arranged and high quality.

    Ajarya Yoga Teacher Training in India Testimonial

    - Sweden

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Ajarya Yoga Teacher Training Registerd with Yoga Alliance USA