TTC Style
Choosing the Teacher Training Program Style
Ajarya Offers a variety of Yoga Teacher Trainings, the styles being suitably sequenced seamlessly,to allow for your comprehensive yoga development.
Keep Progressing through Teacher Trainings
Join the TTC style of your choice, as per your individual preference.
Have the option to be certified only in the TTC of your choice - or then - if you are loving the environment and the teachers (which we are certain, you will), choose to progress further through the other varied Teacher Trainings.
So, which one is right for you OR which one would you like to begin with first ??
Understand these Courses:
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
Hatha Yoga forms the basis of Yoga through its in-depth learning on various aspects of Yoga.
Hatha - the Science of Body purification and awakening of Pranic energy - is an in-depth but gradual process. It includes internal body cleansing techniques, practices, steady & comfortable Asanas, besides breathing and meditative techniques.

To know more about our Hatha Yoga teacher trainings and dates, please go here
After completing the Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainings, students can transition to our Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Trainings for adding strength and flexibility OR to the 500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training for an organized format and grip on teaching 500 Hours as part of the teacher expertise
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training
Ashtanga Yoga recognizes the power of the physical form and uses this to achieve growth in Yoga.Our Ashtanga YTTC are aimed to achieve an Intensive Asana practice adding a dynamic flow.

While you will be introduced broadly to all the elements and concepts of yoga, but the training will ultimately move towards building strength and flexibility for a more dynamic and flow practice (Ashtanga Vinyasa). This is done through a selected series of postures (the primary series) suited to the physically inclined practitioner.
Ashtanga Yoga uses the concepts from the aphorisms of Sage Patanjali in his treatise Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
To know more about our Ashtanga Yoga teacher trainings and dates, please go here
Interested Students completing the Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Trainings, can move subsequently to our Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainings for gaining a comprehensive knowledge and thorough practices of the various elements and concepts of Yoga. They may even choose to opt for the 500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training for an organized format and grip on teaching 500 Hours as part of their training expertise
300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
Have you finished your 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course? Are you interested in going deeper in the science behind Yoga and meditation?
The 300 hours YTTC is the one you are looking for and will surely meet the purpose.

Yoga is more than fitness – practice. It has vast science and reasons behind it. To get sound knowledge of Yoga, it is important for one to get deep into its roots. Ajarya Yoga Academy conducts 300 hours Yoga teacher training for those who have completed their 200 hours teacher training and want to know more about it. Academy ensures the holy ambience and peaceful surroundings for the practitioners and students to learn Yoga well.
To know more about our 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in India go here.
100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course
Are you looking for a school which can clear all your Yoga related doubts? Do you want to learn Yoga with a certificate of mastery? Or Completely New to Yoga? Don’t worry! You won’t be any more.

"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."(The Bhagavad gita) You are at right place where you can learn all the Yoga techniques and its various types. Just clear your thoughts and get ready for all new Yoga knowledge and learning. Say good bye to all worries and come to Rishikesh to connect with our 100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course.
To know more about our 100 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course and dates, please go here