Hatha Yoga Teacher Training

On popular demand, our TTC is now a mix of Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa trainings for a well rounded experience.

What you will take back from this Course

  • Deep Knowledge backed by thorough practices of the various elements and concepts of Yoga, including Asanas, Pranayama, meditation, relaxation and cleansing techniques.
  • A strong foundation to motivate you to go into deeper learning OR to share your learnings in a teaching environment
  • An internationally valid certification which allows you to teach worldwide and registry as RYT200 with Yoga Alliance too.
  • A feeling of being in control of your life

About the program

Our 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainings help you gain a thorough understanding and practice of ALL the elements of Yoga, as encompassed in the Hatha Yoga Pradapika.

The aim is to cultivate expertise in traditional Hatha Yoga to the extent possible

The TTC programprovides for practises or techniques for the body system including specific techniques of asanas, pranayama, dharana, dhyana, samadhi, kriyas, mudras and bandhas.

The texts referred to while teaching the practices are the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Bhagawad Gita and the Patanjali Yoga Sutra.

The program spread over 4 weeks will have Sundays as holiday

The daily schedule will be roughly divided as:

  • Practices: 4-5 hours
  • Theory: 1.5 hours
  • Group Discussion: 1.5 hours
  • Assignments: 1 hour

The teaching modules are well organized and fit in perfectly with the requirement as set out by the 200 hour Yoga Alliance standards, making it a completely fulfilling course

At the end of the course, you will be a certified teacher and eligible for RYT with Yoga Alliance

You will be provided study material to facilitate your learning including the necessary text books for your training. In addition, you would have access to a mini library of relevant books which you can borrow to make your learning wholesome and fulfilling.

Location and Accommodations:

Your course is being conducted in the holy town of Rishikesh in India. Rishikesh has been blessed with wonderful vibrations AND revered for centuries as a seat of Yoga. The combination of rich spiritual energy with the purity of the Ganges river and the Himalayas in the vicinity make most students fall in love with the place.

Accommodations: An Exclusive advantage at Ajarya is the care we take at ensuring a healthy and hygienic living. Recognizing the need for high safety standards in nutrition AND requirements of a comfortable stay for a 4-week TTC program, Ajarya has taken steps to provide a memorable stay experience in itself

About the Teachers

Ajarya Yoga Academy strongly believes in its teachers.

These are people who really love Yoga and who have made it a lifestyle. So, you can safely expect Kindness, preparation, patience and open-mindedness.

More importantly, they are always eager to help and explain whatever concerns you may have.

They are dedicated, with great knowledge – all being highly qualified, certified and trained - and wisdom at their core.

To know more about the Lead Teachers conducting this course, visiting Our Teachers

Upcoming Dates :-

Open Booking :-

Yoga TTC Dates 2022-2023 Pricing * Admission Status
  2 Sharing Room Private Room 4 Sharing Room 6 Sharing Room  
1st To 29th Sep 2023
(Ashtanga/Hatha Yoga TTC)
(Apply Now)
1st To 29th Oct 2023
(Ashtanga/Hatha Yoga TTC)
(Apply Now)

If you feel this course is right for you, please apply through our Application Form
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